Please contact us if you have any other questions not included below
Can I bring my children?
We would like to keep our ceremony and reception to 15+, apart from very close family. However, if it would be tricky to arrange childcare (e.g. because your baby is less than 6 months), please get in touch, as we definitely don’t want this to prevent family and friends from being able to attend.
Is there parking?
Parking at the church and venue is limited, where possible could you please carshare. Parking at the church can be found to the rear on Little Tew Road. The Whats3Words is ///hints.brambles.harps. The drive to the Old Farm, Gagingwell is ~5 minutes, the parking can be found on the B4030. The What3Words is ///emulated.economies.plant.
Can I leave my car overnight?
You are welcome to leave cars overnight at the Old Farm and collect them on Sunday. If you are staying at Chipping Norton, and it is not possible to arrange car share with other guests, you can get the S3 bus to Enstone, and we can pick you up from the bus stop.
How far in advance should I book a taxi?
We have pre-booked two taxis to provide shuttles from the Old Farm to Chipping Norton, between 23:00 until 01:00; if, however, you require a taxi elsewhere we highly recommend booking several weeks in advance, as Uber is not available.